Person of Peace
Someone whose spirit is receptive to the spirit of the messenger of the Gospel, and who provides access to their community due to established trust relationships.
You are actively looking for spiritual seekers (especially Persons of Peace) who will eventually invite their friends into a new group. Be alert to opportunities to follow-up with individuals in the group during the week to answer questions and initiate spiritual conversations.
Coaching Essentials
Ongoing coaching is essential for the effectiveness of M28. The initial training is intended to get everyone “on the same page” philosophically and give enough familiarity with the tools to get started. Whether it is another staff person, volunteer, or student leader whom you are training in this process, you will need to model facilitating the M28 group, then watch them, debrief with them, and ensure they’re passing facilitation around the group. Here are some things that you will want to include in your strategy:
Coaching Principles:
Multiplication requires time, intentionality, and accountability
Model the disciple-making lifestyle (prayer, the Word, obedience, service, witnessing)
Practice MAWL (Model, Assist, Watch, Leave)
Have clearly defined responsibilities
Meet regularly to encourage, guide, and resource trainees
Coaching Group Leaders
Coaching Questions (for group leaders):
How are YOU doing personally?
Are you praying daily for the group?
Is the group meeting consistently?
Are all members attending and contributing?
Are you contacting absentees during the week?
Is anyone in the group dominating or teaching?
Are group members sharing what they learned with someone during the week?
Is the group serving each other and others outside the group?
Coaching Facilitators
Within a few weeks, you will want to recruit someone else in the group to facilitate the next session. Meet with him/her outside the group to go over the passage and answer any questions.
This is also a good time, one-on-one, to discuss spiritual questions he/she has from the previous sessions but might not feel comfortable asking in the group. You can also ask questions about the facilitator’s spiritual background and his/her spiritual journey.
Coaching Facilitators (before M28 Bible Discovery session—this may need to be done by phone depending on student’s availability):
Open with prayer (asking God to lead)
Go over the Facilitator Guide and Group Guidelines together
Read the passage together. Does the facilitator have any questions/concerns? (Note: Do not provide Bible Discovery answers.)
Close with prayer. (Ask God to help them facilitate the session.)
After the Bible Discovery Session:
Meet with previous session's Facilitator to review his/her session facilitation.
Coaching Facilitators (after M28 Bible Discovery session):
How did group members experience God over the past week?
Did group members share with someone during the past week?
Did all group members participate during Discover time?
Did they get through all the Facilitator Guide questions with the group?
Did any issues/challenges surface during group time?
Were there any significant observations/responses from group members?