At the heart of M28 are three essential components:


Fervent PrayerGod's Word, and the Holy Spirit.

Fervent Prayer

Principle: Prayer is the main work

Purpose: To stay dependent on God

Description: Staying dependent on the Holy Spirit's initiative and work--through prevailing prayer, which results in God's provision, protection, power, and purposes being revealed and supplied

Bible passagesLuke 6:12Philippians 4:6-7Ephesians 6:18-20

Actions: Pray for open doors (hearts), wisdom, boldness, conviction, and repentance


God's Word

Principle: God's Word is eternal truth that will expose our intentions, challenge our beliefs, transform our hearts, and inform our behavior

Purpose: To trust the Bible as our ultimate source of truth and our guidebook for living

Description: Going to God's Word (the Bible) consistently for truth, wisdom, guidance, and encouragement in all situations and areas of life

Bible passagesLuke 21:332 Timothy 3:16Hebrews 4:12Joshua 1:8

Actions: Share how God's Word is guiding, teaching, correcting, and encouraging you personally


The Holy Spirit

Principle: The Holy Spirit is our true companion and guide

Purpose: To rely on the leading of God's Holy Spirit

Description: Learning to rely on the Holy Spirit as our teacher, guide, companion, and protector

Bible passagesJohn 14:26Mark 13:11Acts 1:8Acts 2:38Acts 5:32

Actions: Exemplify reliance in prayer